Basic information
Maximum number of persons
up to 7
2 bedrooms, living room with kitchenette, bathroom
Rental price
from PLN 350 / day
(5-person bungalow)
(5-person bungalow)
2 double beds, 1 bunk bed, fold-out sofa
Additional person
PLN 55 / day
2 terraces (one at the front, one fenced at the back)
Parking space
one parking space for each bungalow
Electricity charge as indicated by the meter - PLN 1 per kWh (10 kwh/day is included in the price). Local tax to the Municipal Office of Darłowo - PLN 2.15 per person/day

The power of the sea element
Malstrøm is a natural synonym for turbulence or uproar. One of the strongest sea currents in the world is characterised by enormous power, known especially to the inhabitants of the Lofoten Islands - an archipelago located off the north-west coast of Norway. The water there creates powerful whirlpools with a diameter of several metres.
The "Malstrom" of Bałtyckie Domki is characterised by the power of contrasts inspired by the uncompromising nature of the element. Anthracite greys, the coolness of stones and noble, intensive black are divided by white, which penetrates them like sea foam. Metallic details lend a true sense of craftsmanship. Particularly important here is the role of light, which restrains emotions, tempers the interior, neutralises it and introduces a bit of soothing subduedness.
The "Malstrom" of Bałtyckie Domki is characterised by the power of contrasts inspired by the uncompromising nature of the element. Anthracite greys, the coolness of stones and noble, intensive black are divided by white, which penetrates them like sea foam. Metallic details lend a true sense of craftsmanship. Particularly important here is the role of light, which restrains emotions, tempers the interior, neutralises it and introduces a bit of soothing subduedness.
- 2-burner induction hob
- Air conditioning
- Coffee table
- Electric kettle
- Hair dryer
- Iron (available at reception)
- Ironing board Deska do prasowania
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- Set of dishes and cutlery
- Small grilling unit
- Sofa
- Sun chairs
- Table with chairs
- Underwear dryer